A road rage incident erupted into a nine-man brawl in the middle of a busy London street has been caught on camera.
Shocked motorists and by-standers watched on as the men grappled and threw punches in broad daylight along the A12 Eastern Avenue at Gants Hill near Ilford in east London.
In the dramatic footage captured by a passenger in a passing vehicle, the ugly melee can be seen unfolding next to two stationery cars at the entrance to a roundabout.
One man is seen swinging for the head of another, with another being sent flying into the parked car’s bonnet.

The man is then attacked from behind by another of the men involved as three others grapple in the video’s background.
Locals reacted with shock at the violent scenes which happened last Sunday, March 9, as reported on NeedToKnow.
Williams Hones said: ‘Gants Hill used to be such a nice place.’
Another agreed and added: ‘Gants Hill was a classy place when I grew up around there in the 1970/80s.’