Pope Francis Called Catholic Nuns To Adopt Friendlier Demeanor And Avoid Gossip


Pope Francis has called on a group of nuns to adopt a friendlier demeanor and avoid gossip, warning them about the negative impact of their attitudes.

The 88-year-old pontiff spoke to the Dominican nuns from the Union of St. Catherine of Siena of the Missionaries, advising them to steer clear of idle talk and to cultivate a more welcoming attitude that would draw people to the church.

“Many times in my life, I have encountered nuns with sour faces, and this is not friendly,” the pope remarked, according to local media. “This is not something that helps attract others.”

He further urged the nuns to refrain from gossiping, describing it as harmful and poisonous. “Please, distance yourself from gossip,” he said. “Gossip kills, gossip poisons. No gossiping among you—none. Asking this of a woman is heroic, but let’s move forward without gossip.”

Pope Francis also encouraged the nuns to spread the word of God to everyone but warned them to avoid engaging with the Devil.

“Please, speak with everyone except the Devil,” he said. “The Devil enters the community, seeing the jealousy and other negative emotions that affect everyone, not just women—this is where the Devil thrives. No dialogue with the Devil, understood? We don’t speak with the Devil.”

In closing, he thanked the nuns for their work in education and urged them to embody the virtues of kindness and joy, living every interaction with gratitude for others’ unique contributions.


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Mr Priceless
A young person with a passion for success and excellence to develop a professional career that encourages empowerment in the overall development of a person which is achieved through hard work. A Journalist with facts and a difference; standing by the truth all the time with interests in Science & Technology, Health, Celebrities' Lifestyle, Crimes, Education and Career Improvement.


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