Husband ‘machine-gunned his wife AND daughter’ to death


Salvatore Montefusco, 70, shot his wife Gabriela Trandafir, 47, and their daughter, Renata, 22, in June 2022 in front of the couple’s young son.

But instead of being handed a life sentence, as requested by the Prosecutor’s Office in the case of the double femicide, Montefusco was given just thirty years because of the ‘the human comprehensibility of the reasons that pushed the perpetrator to commit the crime’.

The Modena Court of Assizes were reportedly lenient on the killer after explaining he had reached the age of 70 with no criminal record and would not have carried out the heinous crime ‘if not driven by the nefarious family dynamics that had been triggered over time’.

The Modena Prosecutor’s Office had requested life imprisonment following the vicious slaying, but the judges on October 9 excluded premeditation, abject and futile motives, having acted with cruelty and considering the mistreatment to be absorbed in the murder, reports Corriere Di Bologna.

The sentence reveals in over 200 pages how the shooting took place after Montefusco had experienced several bouts of conflict with the two women, with mutual complaints being filed.

According to judges, the motive behind the double-murder was ‘the psychological condition of profound discomfort, humiliation and enormous frustration experienced by the defendant’.

This was ‘due to the climate of very high conflict that had been created within the marital ménage and the concrete eventuality that he himself would have to abandon the family home’.

The judges reportedly found it ‘plausible’ that once Montefusco was repeatedly told by his daughter that she was leaving the family home, it ’caused in his soul, as he himself has repeatedly underlined, that emotional and existential blackout that would have led him to run to get the gun’.

The firearm was reportedly located just a mere few metres away, and in a moment of fury he had grabbed it and killed both his daughter and wife.

According to the Italian report, Montefusco had previously threatened to kill the pair.


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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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