Parents RAP£D their four daughters, aged 12 to 21 left them with injuries and STI


A Belgian couple repeatedly rap*d their four daughters and used them as s£x slaves left them with sexually transmitted diseases, bruising, and pelvic injuries. 

The parents abused the four girls – one of whom is said to be the man’s daughter whilst the other three are the woman’s from a separate partner – because they desired threesomes but lacked funds to hire prostitutes, local media reports. 

As a result, the mother would take the girls out of their bedrooms and lead them to her partner where he would rape them up to nine times a day, with the mother alleged to have occasionally participated in threesomes. 

The girls were given alcohol, muscle relaxants and lubricants when the abuse took place. 

Texts from the mother to the girls showed the level of manipulation they faced, with messages revealing how she would tell them that if they didn’t participate they would destroy the family. 

Following the two youngest daughters’ escape, the couple were arrested in their home on December 30, 2023 and later appeared in a Tongeren court for their crimes last month.

The mother admitted during a police interview that she participated in the rapes of her daughters and stepdaughter because her partner would often beat her if she did not comply.

The couple – both in their 40s – would threaten the girls with homelessness if they refused their sexual advances, with one girl being told the s£x would help her own relationship, whilst another was told it would help her lose weight.   

The brutal abuse at the hands of the duo from the province of Limburg was unearthed after the two youngest daughters managed to escape the family home by bike on December 30 last year. 

After arriving at a centre for sexual violence, the sisters reported that they alongside their two other siblings had been repeatedly raped since January 2022.

An examination discovered the two girls had sustained pelvic injuries, bruising and sexually transmitted diseases, according to dutch outlet De Telegraaf.

The mother and father – who have not been named for legal reasons –  were sentenced to over a decade behind bars.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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