A twisted teenager who killed his ex-girlfriend‘s baby by brutally shaking him to death told police that they were ‘boring’ during an interview.
Carl Alesbrook, who was 16 at the time, murdered four-month-old baby Elijah Shemwell in January 2022 just weeks after meeting his mother India Shemwell.
Elijah died three days after he was found limp, pale and drowsy at his mother’s messy flat in Belper, Derbyshire.

Following his arrest Alesbrook spun a web of lies claiming he had messaged police to ask where they were when Elijah fell ill.
But a detective called his bluff in an interview saying: ‘This was a lie, there is no message saying “where are you?”
‘We have interrogated your phone and that is not confirmed on there. What do you have to say about this?’ Responding, Alebrook replies: ‘F*** all’.
The detective then quizzes him about his initial claim that he was asleep and unaware Shemwell had gone to the shops before making a sudden u-turn.
When asked about this drastic change in his story, Alesbrook rests his head on the wall and tells police: ‘I say you’re boring, man’.

Alesbrook, from Matlock in Derbyshire, denied causing any harm to Elijah but was unanimously convicted of both murder and causing grievous bodily harm with intent by the jury at Derby Crown Court on July 11.
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An autopsy found Alesbrook shook his then-partner’s son so violently he suffered ‘catastrophic’ brain injuries and broken bones.
Elijah’s mother Shemwell, who is now 23, was sentenced to three years behind bars after admitting two counts of child cruelty.
This included the fact she did not dial emergency services more quickly after Elijah became unwell.

Alesbrook admitting to leaving the baby unsupervised and taking drugs before he was meant to look after the tiny tot.
He was often left with Elijah while the baby’s mother was at work.
Medical evidence presented at the trial showed Elijah suffered brain damage from being shaken on at least three separate occasions.
He also had 17 bruises around his chest, back and stomach consistent with grip marks and suffered rib and limb fractures, while his fatal head injuries were described in court as ‘catastrophic’.