Woman, 25, suffers rare condition that means KISS!NG could be deadly for her


An innocent peck on the lips could spell death for Caroline Cray Quinn.


Ms Quinn, 25, suffers mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a rare condition that strikes only about one in 150,000 people.


MCAS is a disorder that causes blood cells to inappropriately overreact to certain foods, fragrances and other potential environmental triggers.

Ms Quinn’s MCAS is particularity severe and has left her only able to eat two foods — oats and a specially prepared nutritional formula.  Any other food could see her suffer a potentially fatal allergic reaction.

Even kissing someone who has eaten foods that she’s allergic to could trigger a dangerous reaction, making her love life complicated.

As such, she has developed a series of strict rules that any potential love interest must follow before she touches their lips.


Ms Quinn, a healthcare recruiter from Boston, recently detailed these dating directives in a TikTok video which has now been viewed 1.7million times. 

‘In order for someone to kiss me, they cannot eat anything three hours prior,’ she said. 

‘They also cannot eat any of my six main anaphylactic allergens —peanuts, nuts, sesame, mustard, seafood or kiwi — 24 hours prior to kissing me.’

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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