A Mother Of Seven Sparked Widespread Attention By Announcing Her Decision To Carry Her Life-Threatening Ectopic Pregnancy To Full Term


Alex Gooding is currently 18 weeks pregnant with a daughter named Chloe Marie. However, her pregnancy is classified as a caesarean section ectopic pregnancy (CSEP), a rare and dangerous condition where the embryo implants in the scar tissue from a previous cesarean section. This type of pregnancy has a high mortality rate for both mother and baby.

Initially informed of the dire circumstances at just five weeks into her pregnancy, Alex was advised to terminate, but as a pro-life Christian, she refused. She firmly believes that “a baby is a baby no matter how small” and is determined to give her daughter a chance at life.

The risks for both Alex and Chloe are substantial. Dr. Lawrence Cunningham explained the gravity of the situation, noting that the scar tissue is not suited to support a growing pregnancy, potentially leading to severe complications such as uterine rupture, massive hemorrhage, or even maternal death. The pregnancy could also grow into surrounding organs, increasing the dangers.

Despite medical warnings, Alex remains committed to her choice. In an Instagram post, she recounted the moment she learned that Chloe had implanted in her C-section scar, which was incredibly difficult for her. After her initial consultation, where a maternal-fetal medicine specialist insisted she needed to terminate, Alex chose to leave the appointment and “cried the entire drive home,” having decided to keep her baby.

Reflecting on her decision, she shared, “At first, it didn’t really hit me until I talked to my midwife, who said, ‘Alex, I saw the ultrasound pictures. It doesn’t look good.’ When I finally saw the images, it was very crushing to realize the baby had implanted in my scar.”

As her due date approaches in March 2015, Alex has not wavered in her determination. She frequently updates her followers on Instagram, noting, “There are 16 weeks or less until we hold this little girl in our arms.”

However, many online have expressed disbelief over her choice. One user commented, “I don’t understand why you would risk your life with seven other children who need you.” Another follower inquired about how she weighed the risks to her life against her responsibilities to her children. The ongoing abortion debate in the U.S. has also surfaced in the comments, with some advocating for pro-choice perspectives.

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, 20 states have imposed strict bans or limitations on abortion, often at six weeks or earlier. While the termination of an ectopic pregnancy is not classified as an abortion, it has become entangled in the broader discussion, leading to confusion and sometimes denial of care due to personal beliefs.

Dr. Cunningham, who is also a medical contributor at Help & Advice, emphasized that the standard treatment for ectopic pregnancies is termination to avoid life-threatening complications. He explained that treatment options typically include medication to help the body absorb the pregnancy tissue or surgical intervention to remove the ectopic tissue, depending on various factors.

He warned that choosing to continue with a CSEP could lead to “catastrophic outcomes,” despite rare instances where both mother and baby have survived, emphasizing that any such decision should involve a multi-disciplinary medical team to carefully evaluate the risks.

For Alex, she believes she has found a supportive community to help navigate the pregnancy with the hope of both mother and baby surviving. She plans to be induced at 34 weeks, should everything proceed smoothly.

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Mr Priceless
A young person with a passion for success and excellence to develop a professional career that encourages empowerment in the overall development of a person which is achieved through hard work. A Journalist with facts and a difference; standing by the truth all the time with interests in Science & Technology, Health, Celebrities' Lifestyle, Crimes, Education and Career Improvement.


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