In a dramatic turn of events, a large group of enraged students in Katlehong gathered at Paseka “Pastor Mboro” Motsoeneng’s church and set it ablaze on Tuesday morning.
The incident followed the release of a video on Monday, August 5, showing Motsoeneng wielding a knife at a local school.
The controversial pastor claimed he went to the school to rescue his son, who he alleged was being attacked by staff members while picking up his grandchildren. The video shows him forcibly removing the crying and screaming children from the school in Katlehong.
Angered by the situation, the students retaliated by targeting Mboro’s church, causing significant damage.
Authorities are investigating the incident, which has heightened tensions in the community and underscores the need for constructive dialogue and resolution.
Local officials have urged calm and emphasized the importance of addressing grievances through peaceful means.