The Oluwo Of Iwo Stated That Any King Who Worships Idols Is Essentially A Herbalist And Should Be Removed From Their Position

The Oluwo Of Iwo Stated That Any King Who Worships Idols Is Essentially A Herbalist And Should Be Removed From Their Position

He made these comments during a reception hosted in his honor by the Iwo community at his palace on Monday, July 22.

The monarch revealed that some leaders from South Western states have expressed their interest in joining a new association he is forming for kings who do not engage in idol worship.

According to a statement from Oluwo’s Chief Press Secretary, Alli Ibrahim, the royal emphasized that members of this new association will be those who place their trust solely in the Almighty God and warned idol worshippers to stay away from Yoruba land.

“We are here today to correct the mistakes of the past and rewrite history, to challenge lies and lay a formidable foundation for truth to strive. One of the purposes of meaningful existence is to correct the mistakes of the past. It may take time, truth has no duplicate. The glory of Yorubaland will shine again. We will clean the throne for the prosperity of our dear land.

“We have initiated a cultural movement to address the issue of corrupted monarchy. Kings who worship idols are akin to herbalists and should step down from their thrones. Our aim is to purify the monarchy, ensuring that when the leadership is strong, the entire institution will thrive. Worship of deities is a religion, not a part of our culture.

Idol worshippers should cease blending the sacred with the secular. Our culture, which is among the finest globally, has been tainted by deitism. We are now taking coordinated steps to correct these errors and will see this effort through to a definitive end.”

The statement also noted that several interested monarchs from South Western states have expressed their willingness to join an association of Yoruba rulers who place their faith solely in Olodumare.

“We want to redirect the throne to God was launched by Oduduwa, the founding father of the throne through a coordinated cultural revolt against adulterated monarchy. All infractions into Yoruba traditional institution will be checked and corrected. A prosperous Yorubaland will rise to be envy others. We will clean the institution and restore the glory of the institution,” Oluwo said

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Mr Priceless
A young person with a passion for success and excellence to develop a professional career that encourages empowerment in the overall development of a person which is achieved through hard work. A Journalist with facts and a difference; standing by the truth all the time with interests in Science & Technology, Health, Celebrities' Lifestyle, Crimes, Education and Career Improvement.


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