Home Royal Family Princess Anne Appears Exceptionally Stylish In An Unexpected Ensemble Featuring Flares And...

Princess Anne Appears Exceptionally Stylish In An Unexpected Ensemble Featuring Flares And Loafers

On Thursday, Princess Anne enjoyed a casual public engagement in Portsmouth alongside her husband, Sir Timothy Laurence, showcasing her trademark style.

The 73-year-old Princess Royal opted for a departure from her usual skirt-suit ensembles, donning a pair of elegant flared trousers crafted from textured fabric, paired with chic patent loafers.

Completing the tailored look was a fitted jacket with three off-center buttons and a patterned shirt with an open collar neckline underneath.

As for accessories, Anne carried her classic black leather crossbody bag and adorned a gold chain necklace, complementing her outfit with a timeless brooch shaped like a crown, reminiscent of the Royal Navy and Merchant Services Gold and Pearl Nautical Crown Sweetheart brooch.

Notably, the most unexpected accessory was Anne’s hard hat, fitting for her visit to the HMS Victory Conservation Project at HM Naval Base.



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