Home News Crime News Mother-of-three SHARES horrific facial injuries she suffered from boyfriend

Mother-of-three SHARES horrific facial injuries she suffered from boyfriend

A mother-of-three has shared heartbreaking images of the injuries she suffered at the hands of her ex boyfriend.

What Happened?

John Paul Wilkinson, 26, stamped on Jodie Beck‘s head so hard, her eyes looked like they were ‘popping out of her head’.

Wilkinson brandished a machete during the ferocious attack and threatened ‘you’re going to die now, love’.

Court Ruling

He received a 30 month sentence after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm without intent and possession of a bladed weapon.

Jodie, 32, is now speaking out to encourage others in an abusive relationship to leave and seek help.

Victim Impact Statement

She said: ‘I thought John Paul was going to kill me that day. I’m so lucky to have survived.’

Jodie, an area manager, started dating Wilkinson in 2016.

A former squaddie, he had a reputation for being a bit of a ‘player’.

A few months later Jodie fell pregnant and Wilkinson promised to stand by her and the baby.

The pair became official, and when their son was born in July that year, he was a doting dad.

But four months on, Wilkinson started staying out late and partying.

Jodie said: ‘He’d post videos online of him dancing with girls in nightclubs.

‘Sometimes he wouldn’t come home for an entire weekend.’

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Why She Put Up With it

Then, he began to insult Jodie, telling her no one would want her because of her stretch marks.

During one argument soon after, he slapped her in the face.

Hoping it was a one-off, Jodie forgave him.

She said: ‘He suffered PTSD, so I put it down to that.’



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