A 60-year-old builder reportedly chopped off his hand and leaving it in a washing up bowl in the kitchen sink.
Cause of Death
Kevin Mayo tragically died from blood loss from the ‘traumatic injury’ to his right hand on August 9 last year.
He was found by his partner on their garden patio when she got back from work alongside a note saying he ‘just can’t cope any more’.
Despite the best efforts from emergency services, he was declared dead at his home in Chippenham, Wiltshire, that evening.
Court Ruling
Today, court concluded a verdict of suicide.

In a statement Mr Mayo’s partner, Stacey Thomas, said the two had known each other since the age of 16 but got back together when she returned to the area in late 2021.
Paying tribute to her ‘loving’ partner, she described him as a ‘cheeky man’ with a ‘sense of humour’ and someone who liked playing practical jokes.
The hearing was told Mr Mayo started working for a new building company who he ‘didn’t gel with’ due to the way he was spoken to by bosses.
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His Wife Noticed the Changes
Ms Thomas said she ‘noticed a change’ in his demeanour as he seemed ‘tired and depressed’.
She said he told her he was ‘struggling to keep up with the younger workers’ as an elderly builder, which acted as a contributing factor to his mental health getting ‘worse and worse’.