Kim Kardashian‘s character Siobhan Corbyn slapped her actress client on Wednesday’s mid-season premiere of American Horror Story: Delicate on FX in a scene that sets emotions.
The 43-year-old plays the role of a savvy publicists for pregnant actress Anna Victoria Alcott [Emma Roberts] amid awards season in Hollywood.
Why Kim Slapped Her
Anna confided to Siobhan that she felt like someone was coming after her baby and said she could no longer keep campaigning for an Oscar, prompting Siobhan to reach over and slap her in the face.
‘I will not let you f***ing say another word about quitting,’ Siobhan said after slapping Anna. ‘Let go of your dream? To protect your baby? Is that what you think your baby wants? An unfulfilled mother secretly resents its own existence? Is that what your mother died for? F*** that. I don’t want to hurt you, but what I really don’t want is to see you hurting yourself.’
Anna then looked at a television and saw a news report that Siobhan’s boyfriend Hamish had just been found dead in an apparent suicide.
Afterwards, Siobhan said in a cold tone: ‘Wow, such a bummer, be really good press for the movie though.’

Anna told her she didn’t know and she didn’t know who she was anymore.
‘I told you something was happening,’ Anna said.
‘I know I’ve been so focused on award season that I forgot to be a friend,’ Siobhan said. ‘I’m sorry but I’m here and I’m going to help you with anything you need. I will personally disembowel anyone that tries to hurt you. I promise.’
The part two premiere episode titled Opening Night started with a flashback to Anna’s childhood in White Plains, New York in 1988.