Ellen Mercer, 24, a business student died in hospital on February 9 last year after being rushed to hospital when she lost feeling in her legs.
She went cold after inhaling up to three large bottles of nitrous oxide – ‘hippy crack’.
Cause of Death
New revelation that came out on Tuesday in an inquest into the death of the student, who had bipolar disorder, reveals that nitrous oxide (laughing gas), in part caused her death.
The devastated mother has now called on authorities to label ‘laughing gas’ a Class A drug.

In her bitterness, she explained how her daughter would still be alive today if she had been aware of the party drug’s harmful effects.
‘I still check her messages every day, thinking there will be a message from her on WhatsApp or Messenger. I can still hear her voice.’

Ms Cook added: ‘I don’t think she realised how dangerous the drug was. As it was legal she was inclined to think it was safe.
‘I don’t think she realised just how harmful it is and if she had realised she wouldn’t have taken it.
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Number of Victims That Have Lost Their Lives to Laughing Gas
‘I read somewhere that there had been 56 deaths in the last few years and they weren’t very well publicised, I had no idea and hadn’t heard about it.
‘Obviously it’s heartbreaking. [The government] needs to come down harder on it and they should definitely make it a Class A drug. It is dangerous so it should be up there with heroin and cocaine. Class C is not strong enough in my book.’