In another lesson of ‘delay is dangerous’, a great-grandmother had her right leg amputated after spending four days on a trolley in a hospital corridor unattended to.
What Happened?
The 78-yar-old patient and victim of negligence, Geraldine Newing was admitted to Medway Maritime Hospital in Kent with a septic foot infection on Good Friday, March 29.
She was then left on a trolley for FOUR days before a surgeon met her on April 2 only after urgent action was needed.

The helpless grandma was then told how she could die unless her leg is amputated before she was taken to the surgery room.
It is a life-changing experience for the grandma.
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Relatives Are Angry
The relative, especially, Mrs Newing’s son, has blasted the standard of care she received and claimed she may not have needed as much of her leg amputated if she had been treated sooner.
Mr Newing, 57, said: ‘It’s disgusting the way she was treated. It was like a war up there – that’s the only way to describe it.
‘It’s particularly degrading for elderly people. For five days she was only seen by nurses and auxiliaries and there were no wash facilities.’