A ‘kind of father like no other’ faked a paternity test over his newborn son to shy away from his responsibility. What was he thinking?! The mother of the son is now his ex anyway, but still ….
What Happened?
The man said he was not the father of the three year-old boy, he also deceived a doctor by sneaking out to his car to complete the test. It is obvious he doesn’t have anything to do with the son.
He Deceived His Uncle to Get His DNA
Once he was at the motor, the desperate father got his uncle – who thought the procedure was to do with a work matter – to take a saliva swab from inside his cheek.

When the test came back, you could tell what the test result is said the father – the son belong to his father’s uncle.
The father’s uncle couldn’t believe his ears and still can’t get how he was being manipulated for the result.
In a fitting rage, the boy’s mother challenged the result and didn’t rest until the boy’s father was arrested. The man was then found out after a new sample was obtained which matched the child’s.
Court Findings
Last week at Bexley Magistrates’ Court the father, who lives in Kent pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation on June 19, 2020, by submitting the false DNA sample to the Child Maintenance Group (CMG).
JPs heard he avoided paying a total of £18,479.41 towards his toddler son’s care.
It meant the child’s mother struggled to cope and was forced to skip meals to save money.
Court Ruling
He provided character references to the court, which heard he is now paying £680 per month to cover current payments and the arrears.
He was sentenced to a twelve month Community Order, which includes 200 hours community service work and fifteen days of a rehabilitation activity requirement.