Dakota Johnson‘s putting her foot down and swearing off any movie projects similar to ‘Madame Web’ — this after the flick sensationally crashed and burned at the box office.
The Experience She Can’t Forget
The actress kept it real about the Marvel flick not being her cup of tea. Explaining to Bustle, ‘It was definitely an experience for me to make that movie. I had never done anything like it before. I probably will never do anything like it again because I don’t make sense in that world.’
Dakota adds, ‘It’s not nice to be a part of something that’s ripped to shreds, but I can’t say that I don’t understand.’
Why The Movie Fails
She goes on to reveal why the movie saw the fate it did. Explaining actors frequently get hyped for a project, but then when they’re knee-deep in filming — it turns into something totally unexpected. That’s exactly what went down with ‘Madame Web,’ according to her.

How Movie Industry Works
DJ’s also pinning the movie’s failure on how the industry works.
Explaining the whole movie-making process ain’t all glitz and glam, but rather a complicated web of decisions made by committees, who don’t know much about the art of filmmaking itself. Yeah, it’s a mouthful.
She says execs at the top severely underestimate just how savvy viewers really are, which leads them to miss the mark with their latest Hollywood projects, including this one.
Really, the ‘MW’ numbers didn’t lie, the running total for its six-day opening holiday weekend — beginning Valentine’s Day and ending on President’s Day — barely scraped together $25.8 million domestically and fared pretty much the same globally.
It was so panned by fans and critics alike, even Sydney Sweeney made fun of it during her opening ‘SNL’ stint, joking that nobody saw it. Tough break, for sure.
One thing’s for sure, the movie had no superhero of its own to swoop in and save the day at the box office — not even Dakota AKA Cassandra Webb.