The woman whose witty card made His Majesty burst out laughing said she gave it to the cancer-afflicted monarch to give him a “much-needed boost”.
Royalist Lisa Moffat, 53, from Preston, was stunned when she saw images showing the King chuckling at the huge get well card she ordered from Moonpig for £9.99. On the front cover is a morose-looking pooch with a cone around its neck, with the remark: “At least you don’t have to wear a cone'”.
The mum-of-two said she knew that Charles would appreciate the gift due to his sense of humour. “He’s quite a funny guy”, she said.
This isn’t the first time she’s sent cards to the royals to mark big occasions. She has in the past sent them for the Coronation, birthdays and weddings. However, it wasn’t until last week that she saw one in the hands of her intended recipient.
She sent it out just days after receiving a thank you card from Buckingham Palace for her Christmas message. This Moonpig product was 205 x 290mm, the largest size on the site, and Lisa included a picture of herself and her family inside so he would know how his well-wishers looked.

Mrs Moffat, who is married to husband Alex, said: “I was so surprised to see him with it – so shocked. I ran up to the kids and my husband and said: ‘Guess what’s on the news – King Charles is holding our card!’.
“I put a picture of ourselves in the middle of the card, and a message saying we were thinking about him, sending him lots of love, and hoping he gets well soon, really. I was blown away by how many people had sent cards. I couldn’t believe it. I sent a giant one though. I always send giant ones. I have a friend in Norwich who says she always knows when my cards are coming.”
Lisa’s was one of more than 7,000 to land at Buckingham Palace since the monarch’s devastating diagnosis was made public in February, MailOnline reports.