Home Lifestyle Food Young Boy’s Final Selfless Act After Choking On A Frankfurt At School

Young Boy’s Final Selfless Act After Choking On A Frankfurt At School

Boy involved in ‘choking incident’ at school

  • Family mourn ‘bubbly’ and ‘happy’ young boy
  • Hotdog frankfurts are extremely ‘hazardous’ for kids

An Australian family is in shock and mourning after a “normal” day at school ended in tragedy for seven-year-old boy Decklan.

While laughing with his friends, the young child choked on a cocktail Frankfurt, cutting off oxygen to his brain and leaving him clinging to life.

In the two weeks that followed, Decklan Hayward’s family has sat by his hospital bed at Sydney’s Westmead Children’s Hospital where last week, they made the harrowing decision to turn off his life support. The family were told he had sustained “extensive brain damage” and there was nothing doctors could do.

In the wake of his death, young Decklan has been hailed a “hero” by his stepfather Daniel James Mawson who revealed the seven-year-olds heart will be donated. A decision that will help “save lives,” he said. He told Yahoo News Australia the family is thankful for everyone who has helped as they continue to mourn their son.

Boy Involved In ‘Choking Incident’ At School

Decklan was rushed to hospital on July 19 after the tragic incident unfolded at Glenroi Heights Public School in Orange, NSW, where he attended. The boy’s mother, Katie, was told by the school there had been a “choking accident” involving her son. However, it was only after arriving on the scene that she realized how grave his condition was.

Despite efforts from teachers and medical staff, Decklan went into cardiac arrest and was without oxygen to his brain for 20 minutes.

Speaking of the ordeal in a GoFundMe page set up for Decklan’s parents, his aunty Kaylah, said her sister dropped off her son at school “like any normal day”.

But it wasn’t long until she received “a horrifying phone call to say Decklan had been in a choking incident”. “We rushed to the school to find out that he had choked on a cocktail Frankfurt while laughing and playing with his friends,” she wrote.

Family Mourn ‘Bubbly’ And ‘Happy’ Young Boy

Mr Mawson told The Dubbo News that Decklan was surrounded by family when he took his last breath at the hospital.

“I just want the world to know how loved and special our son was – I’m his stepfather but it’s a word we never used – he had called me dad forever,” Mr Mawson said, according to The Daily Telegraph.

Glenroi Heights Public School principal Tegan Davis issued a letter to other parents on social media about Decklan

“He was special to everyone he met and touched in life – I’m honoured and proud to be able to call him my son – he’s my superhero”.

Kaylah described him as “the bubbliest happy funny kid” who will “always have a special place in so many of our hearts”.

Hotdog Frankfurts Are Extremely ‘Hazardous’ For Kids

Earlier this year, another little girl choked on a Frankfurt and died while riding in the backseat of her mum’s car. Imogen, 5, began choking while eating the snack and an ambulance was called, but she later died in hospital.

Sausages, including frankfurts, have been dubbed one of the most common foods that can lead to choking in young children, according to KidSafe Victoria.

“Hot dogs and sausages are one of the main choking hazards along with foods like nuts, grapes, raw carrots and other hard vegetables,” General Manager Jason Chambers previously told Yahoo News Australia.



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