A student whose eyes were “obliterated” in a freak paint gun accident on holiday is to get more than £250,000 in compensation.
Dillon Connery was blinded when he was blasted in the face at point-blank range in a nightclub in Magaluf. One of his eyes had to be removed and he’s still battling to save the other one as he faces ongoing issues.
A court in Mallorca has now ruled that not enough steps were taken to protect guests and revellers weren’t warned of the dangers at the door.
According to the Daily Mail, the club’s owners have been ordered to pay almost £129,000 in damages. While business studies student Dillon, from Paisley, also got another £129,000 from the business’s insurance.
Earlier this year Dillon appealed for information to try and save what’s left of his sight.
He said: “I am registered blind and my remaining eye is barely functioning as it is. There are things going on with it that doctors and surgeons can’t explain. I’m hoping that if I can get some traction maybe someone will come across it and answer some of my questions.

“The more people that see the video, the better the chance that someone can help save me from going permanently blind.”
Dillon was on his first ever lad’s holiday, aged 18, when he was hit by a stage mounted paint gun.
It’s understood he was smacked by a stream of UV paint that split his eyes in two just hours after he landed in the holiday party hotspot.
Surgeons said it was the worst injuries they had ever seen as they battled to save his sight in July 2018. He’s been fighting for compensation ever since and asked for £865,000, but it’s understood that was rejected.
His initial handout was just £2,200 but that was increased after he appealed.
After the accident his mum Ashleigh Connery rushed to his bedside. At the time, she said: “He has been left in an incredible amount of pain.
“Dillon had a very bright future and now everything has changed. The surgeon told us both eyes have been destroyed.”