Supermarket employee fired for recording 3 men stealing $500 worth of laundry detergent


A supermarket employee was fired after he recorded three men stealing approximately $500 worth of laundry detergent from the store on Father’s day in Colorado, USA.

Santino Burrola, the King Soopers employee, was alerted to a theft in progress at the store and the first thing he thought to do was pull out his phone and record it.

‘When I looked there was already a guy halfway headed out with a food cart full of laundry detergents and scent boosters and what have you,’ Burrola told CBS Colorado. ‘My first instinct, record.’

As Burrola, a former military police officer, walked out of the store, the three thieves hurry to load up a black Chevy Trax, one opening the doors, another throwing a basket full of items into the back seat, and another struggling to unload the full shopping cart.

‘Really bro you got to resort to this? The economy isn’t that bad,’ Burrola could be heard in the now-viral video shared by the Arapahoe Sheriff’s Office.

‘Better gettin while the gettin’s good,’ Burrola jokes towards the men.

As the three men attempted to flee from the parking lot, the getaway driver was a little faster than the two still outside the car, who had trouble getting into the vehicle.

That allowed Burrola to remove a sheet of tin foil covering the license plate.After the men got into the car and left the area Burrola called the police, sharing the video to social media.

‘So I posted it on TikTok hoping that somebody would recognize them,’ said Burrola about the video that was seen 1.5 million times.

‘Investigators have already identified and arrested the driver, Jorge Pantoja, 32, the man in the green shirt,’ the Arrapahoe Sherriff’s Office said in a statement.

‘Pantoja is currently in custody at the Adams County Detention Facility on unrelated felony charges. He has also been charged with Theft/Shoplifting, a Class 2 Misdemeanor.’

During their investigation, police contacted the registered owner of the vehicle who loaned the car to a friend and the driver was later found.

‘The driver was then contacted, arrested, and stated he picked up two other males at the Light Rail station at I-25 and Belleview and offered them an opportunity to make some money.

‘The men told the driver their names were Robert and Bugsy,’ When Burrola returned to the store for his next shift he learned he had been suspended and a week later was fired.

‘Me and the union rep sat down with them and they recommended termination,’ Burrola said.

‘I would never let any criminal conduct slide especially when it’s happening right in front of me.’

Burrola says he didn’t break any rules nor touch the theives, all he was doing was trying to help the community.

‘Did I feel that I overstepped boundaries? Not really because I didn’t physically touch them or alter their shoplifting in any way, I just revealed the license plate to help the community to be aware, the police be aware and to help better catch them,’ Burrola told 9News.

Watch the video here

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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