Man who found girl murdered by brother violated her body instead of calling cops


A man who found the body of a girl, murdered by her own brother, violated her body instead of alerting police.

Schoolgirl Amber was led to a park at night and sexually assaulted and murdered by her own brother Connor Gibson.

On the evening of November 26, 2021, Gibson led Amber to Cadzow Glen with the intent of raping her, before he strangled, assaulted and killed her.

The 16-year-old’s body was abandoned at a park in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, by her 20-year-old big brother – whose actions were described by one senior detective as ‘depraved’.

It was only found two days later, after she had been reported missing. But sometime in this window, 45-year-old Stephen Corrigan, who in court was said to not know Gibson, found Amber’s body.

However, instead of alerting police, he intimately touched the teenager’s dead body, and concealed it, to try and hide it from police.

Instead of alerting the police Corrigan touched the dead body repeatedly

Corrigan was found guilty of attempting to defeat the ends of justice and breach of the peace. He also denied the charge and had lodged a special defence of alibi.

The court heard how the adult was at a ‘complete loss’ to explain why his DNA was found on 39 areas of Amber’s body.

Corrigan’s father, William, 79, told the court his son was at home in Blantyre, South Lanarkshire, that weekend after a fall left him in a sling. He denied lying to protect him.

At Tuesday’s trial, where Gibson was found guilty along with Corrigan, Judge Mulholland told Corrigan he had been convicted of ‘horrific crimes’.

Vile murderer Connor Gibson

He said: ‘Coming across a young girl who had been strangled to death, she was naked… instead of alerting the authorities you decide … to handle her body all over from head to toe including areas that were intimate – private parts – and your DNA told the story.’

He told Corrigan he faces a ‘lengthy sentence’. He deferred sentence until September 4 at the High Court in Livingston for pleas in mitigation and background reports.

The chilling final moment Amber spent with her evil brother was captured on CCTV, as footage of them walking down to the park was shown in court.

Chilling video captured the final moments the siblings spent together, as Gibson walked to the park with Amber, then returned home alone.

He was also caught on CCTV disposing of items, following the murder.

In the footage, he can be seen taking a bin full of objects out of the Blue Triangle homeless hostel where he was living in Hamilton just before 1am on November 27 2021 – the day after he killed her.

Gibson can be seen leaving through the front door, before walking through a car park with the items. He then gets rid of them out of shot, before walking back to the accommodation with an empty bin.

Other footage caught him on the night of the murder, walking home just before midnight, after he had killed Amber.

A security camera caught the killer walking home down the town’s Barrack Street.

After crossing the road, Gibson stops and leans against a fence using his outstretched arms, with his head hanging between them.

He waits in this position before collecting himself and carrying on down the pavement.

The day before Gibson was arrested on December 1, he had disturbingly posted a tribute on Facebook to his sister, writing ‘fly high’ and ‘I love you ginger midget’.

The chilling tribute posted on November 30 read: ‘Amber, you will fly high for the rest of time. We will all miss you. Especially me. I love you ginger midget. GBFN (goodbye for now) X’.

A search had been made on his phone meanwhile for, ‘how to get nosy police officers to stop monitoring your phone’ on the night of Amber’s death.

Bloodstains compatible with Amber’s murder was later found on Gibson’s jacket, while his DNA was also found on her clothing at the scene.

Glasgow High Court heard how Gibson had appeared emotionless on the day Amber’s body was found as he spoke with his and his sister’s former foster father, Craig Niven.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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