Security Guard Escapes Death After Being Stoned For Being In A Romantic Relationship With A Married Woman

Security Guard Escapes Death After Being Stoned For Being In A Romantic Relationship With A Married Woman

A security guard narrowly escaped death after being attacked with stones for dating a married woman.

Night Zhanelo, from Crowhill, sustained severe head injuries when an unidentified individual hurled a stone at him for being romantically involved with a married woman on Crowhill Road.

Speaking from his bed at Parirenyatwa Hospital, Zhanelo refuted the claim of dating the woman to H-Metro, stating that her husband quickly jumped to conclusions.

“I have regained consciousness after being stoned for the wrong reasons. I was walking along the road when I saw the woman looking very sad. I approached her to enquire what was troubling her since we were walking in the same direction.

“She told me that she was facing problems with her husband. I only consoled her and told her to seek counseling or find a way to solve her marital problems. Tichifamba kudaro ndakuzongonzwa murume wake asvika zvikanzi ndiye murume wawanga uchimhanyira ka uyu.

“Ndakatemwa nezidombo mumusoro nzeve ikatsemuka zvese nemusoro. I fell down only to regain consciousness in the hospital the following morning,” Zhanelo recounted.

Security Guard Narrowly Escapes Death After Being Stoned For Dating Married Woman

According to one resident interviewed by H-Metro, Zhanelo had a history of sexually exploiting married women by promising them job opportunities.

“Zhanelo has been bedding several women promising them employment since he works as a guard at one prominent person’s plot. On the day in question, the husband of the particular woman was tipped off, and the two were spotted caressing each other. He is lucky to be alive. Anozvinyanya apa mudzimai wake anoshanda mumba asi achivimbisa madzimai evamwe mabasa akanaka,”

Zimbabweans expressed mixed reactions to the incident.

Tichman: “What about the married woman? Did they stone her also? Bcz she gonna date another man, no one can stop her from doing it again.”

Bhekimpilo: “Aaaa watosiiwa urimupenyu hako . Masingle mother hobho iwewe nanga nanga nemukadzi wemunhu.”

Lorraine: “Wakanzwa butter.”

Calvin: “Munenge mamboshayei kusvika pakunyenga mkadzi wemunhu!! Chiwona ikezvino wapondorwa pondorwa.”

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Mr Priceless
A young person with a passion for success and excellence to develop a professional career that encourages empowerment in the overall development of a person which is achieved through hard work. A Journalist with facts and a difference; standing by the truth all the time with interests in Science & Technology, Health, Celebrities' Lifestyle, Crimes, Education and Career Improvement.


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