The legendary, ‘bloodsucking’ creature known as the Chupacabra was reportedly spotted in the western Bolivian city of Ouro.
The mythical, two-legged beast is said to have been picked up by a drone earlier this month after cows, llamas and alpacas were found dead, with most of their blood drained out.
‘It’s strange,’ local filmmaker Carla Flores told Telemundo. ‘It looks like a dog, but it has a hump towards the back. Looking at the images it has the same positioning that a Chupacabra has.

The creature is a modern myth of the Americas, with large fangs and bright red eyes. Its sighting has been reported in Puerto Rico, Central and South America, Mexico and the southwestern region of the United States.
It has been said to suck the blood out of other creatures, and was first spotted in Puerto Rico in the 1990s.
‘We don’t know if it’s the Chupacabra or not,’ Lucio Portugal told the network.
Portugal, a government official in the town of Canllapata, said the dead animals had their blood sucked out from the neck down to the stomach.

On one occasion, the creature is said to have used its tongue to remove an animal’s organs.
The Chupacabra was blamed for killing a flock of chickens, turkeys and ducks at a property in the southern Guatemala municipality of Chimaltenango Sunday.
Video footage showed the livestock spread across a backyard as curious residents stood over them while others shockingly touched them and grabbed them ground.
Most of the residents believe that the Chupacabra attacked the birds from behind to drink their blood before it vanished.
‘We have many opinions, because some neighbors say that it could be the Chupacabra, while others say that during the night they have heard what seems to be meowing and have seen a shape of a wolf-like animal at night,’ a woman said, as quoted by Guata Visión.
Another woman distanced herself from the overall consensus and called on the police department to conduct an investigation.
‘The truth is not known what kind of animal it is,’ she said.
‘What we are asking the authorities is to pay a little attention to this situation, and to help us identify the animal that is behind all this.’