Home News Viral News ‘Scar’ spotted on Putin’s neck heightens speculation

‘Scar’ spotted on Putin’s neck heightens speculation

During an Orthodox Easter cathedral service in Moscow, Russian leader Vladimir Putin was seen with a large scar on the middle of his neck.

Proekt Media, an independent Russian journal, claimed Putin is fighting thyroid cancer.

The marking was seen as he clasped a candle at a midnight Orthodox Easter cathedral service in Moscow at the weekend.

It has led to web discussion on whether it represents proof of credible claims initially made by Proekt [Project] media one year ago that Putin has suffered from thyroid cancer.

An investigation by the independent outlet revealed that the dictator is constantly accompanied by a surgeon – Yevgeny Selivanov, of Moscow’s Central Clinical Hospital – specialising in thyroid cancer.

The scar appears as a prominent diagonal line upwards from left to right on his neck.

It is clearly seen on footage and pictures posted by the Kremlin from the Easter service, yet is not always visible.

This comes after a possible US intelligence leak claimed that the Russian tyrant was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

Ukrainian media outlet Telegram channel Unian described the scar as the shape of the letter ‘Z’ – the swastika-style symbol used by Putin’s invading forces.

‘A strange scar in the shape of the letter ‘Z’ has been noticed on Putin’s neck,’ it posted.

‘The unusual shots were taken on Easter when the dictator visited a cathedral.’

The Ukrainian outlet evidently took the Z-shape idea from political commentator and blogger Denis Kazaksky who posted: ‘What is it with Volodya [Putin]?’I think I have figured out where the ‘Z’ came from.’

A comment said: ‘Well, he is supposed to have had thyroid cancer treatment.’

Such a scar was noticed more than two years ago in December 2020 when Russian media outlet Sobesednik pointed to a distinct marking on his neck.

At the time plastic surgeon Amjad Al-Yousef commented: ‘In theory, after intubation [inserting a tube for surgical purposes] such a scar can remain, but this is only in theory.

‘It often happens that not even a scar remains as the skin heals.’


  1. I believe the war shouldn’t have to go on the property and only the property that was Russia’s before the French and British took it be returned without the war but the brothers don’t seem to ever want to bargain without War so they end up with war all the time I believe whatever was claimed by the Russian Federation in the early 1800s before the French and British got in there should be Russian Federation now I’m not saying take all of Ukraine I’m just saying the properties that used to belong stabilong as you can tell I’m not one for war to be fought like that with all them casualties I fighted a different way and it’s proven the president of the United States can get away with conspiracy to commit murder after the fact by helping the news media cover it up I’ve got proof I’m in the middle of putting a civil war from here in the states to Great Britain where it belongs I am in the middle of War right now for the people here the land of the American continents I am a true soldier of the land and the people here not directed and ordered through the president’s advisor which comes from Great Britain I’ve got proof that Joe Biden knows of the situation and he does nothing about it he does everything in his power to cover it up he even helped pass Acts to have my social media accounts stop so the posts were not seen and altered to cut my communications so I cannot get help for the crimes he’s helping cover up the news media as well it’s just as guilty as committing treason because I am in the middle of a war with the federal government it’s provable I’ve got messages back and forth from King Charles III threatening a civil war here and I told them that stays there that’s where it belongs so I’m in the middle of an active War a provable war as a soldier for the American country Joe Biden is covering up the police attempted murdering me and hindering me from fighting the war every one of our soldiers that dies fighting Wars for Great Britain is an act of treason so the news media you all are almost out of time 8:00 in the morning or the choices made permanently there is no take backs I will stop nothing less than treason and you all know I’ve got recorded phone calls and everything choose whatever you like I don’t care I just know the options I’m leaving



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