With the new monarch’s historic Coronation on 6 May, you may be looking for books about King Charles III, whether to brush up on Queen Elizabeth’s son’s life story or just to have a royal souvenir to remember the day.
Royal fans of course are celebrating the big day by doing everything from planning their own coronation parties (complete with commemorative drinks) to snapping up keepsakes, whether coronation tea cups, King Charles-worthy tote bags and even adorable royal teddy bears.
And a coffee table book, children’s story or King Charles biography to treasure is reigning high on the list of keepsakes, too.
Award-winning Getty Images royal photographer Chris Jackson’s coffee table book sees King Charles III share the stage with Queen Camilla. The hardcover keepsake book commemorates the new reign by delving into his archive of photos of the couple over 240 pages.
£33 / $57 AT AMAZON
This special Collector’s Edition ‘bookazine’ is a full royal biography, with historic family photo albums and exclusive reports, including your complete guide to his Coronation.
A ‘stunning’ photographic chronicle of 100 moments in King Charles’s life for royal fans. The foreword is written by veteran royal photographer Arthur Edwards MBE.
£9.99 / $25 AT AMAZON
“For anyone interested in the lives of the British monarchy and the life of King Charles III in particular, this is an excellent read. Author Christopher Andersen provides balanced, thoughtful insights into Charles’s life. Also, the book is well-researched. A fascinating read.”
£26 / $16 AT AMAZON