Putin’s ally and warlord, Ramzan Kadyrov calls for Russia to invade Poland to ‘denazify and demilitarise’ the nation after Ukraine

Putin's ally and warlord, Ramzan Kadyrov calls for Russia to invade Poland to 'denazify and demilitarise' the nation after Ukraine

Russian president, Vladimir Putin’s ally and warlord Ramzan Kadyrov has called for Putin’s army to ‘denazify and demilitarise’ Poland.

Ramzan Kadyrov, who is the Head of the Chechen Republic made the call through on the social network Telegram on Monday February 6.

The Russian native observed that Poland had depleted its military resources and would now be asking, ‘what if, after the successful completion of the [special military operation], Russia begins to denazify and demilitarise the next country?

‘After all, after Ukraine, Poland is on the map!’

He continued: ‘Frankly, I personally have such an intention, and […] the fight against Satanism should continue throughout Europe and, first of all, on the territory of Poland.’ 

He suggested that the historical region of Silesia, mostly in Poland, had ‘earned a special independent status’ and needed a referendum, ‘during which Russia can provide organizational assistance.’

Kadyrov is the son of the former Chechen President, Akhmad Kadyrov, who defected to the Russian side during the Chechen War at the start of Putin’s presidency.

For more than two decades, the family has aligned the republic closely with Russia.

Kadyrov has supported Putin’s invasion of Ukraine since the start of the war, pledging the republic would ‘carry out [Putin’s] orders under any circumstances’ on 26 February 2022.

Within days he urged military commanders to bombard Russia into submission, ‘shut your eyes to everything’ and finish the war ‘within a day or two’.

He said Tuesday that the so-called special military operation would be over by the end of the year.

‘European countries will admit they have been wrong, the West will fall to its knees, and, as usual, European countries will have to cooperate with the Russian Federation in all spheres.’ 

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