The Prince of Wales is enjoying half term with his family this week but took the time to send a personal message to a football fan group who are celebrating a special anniversary.
Prince William wrote a supportive and encouraging letter to the LGBT football group Arsenal Gaygooners as they marked 10 years since they were founded.
The first LGBT football fan group in the UK, they have 1400 members around the world.
“The prince was delighted to learn of the important work [Arsenal Gaygooners] are doing to ensure football is an inclusive experience for fans”, the letter said.
Carl Fearn, the co-chair of the group, said in a statement: “We celebrate our 10th anniversary with joy, pride and perhaps a bit of irritation that groups like ours are required as much today as ever before as we strive to make football welcoming for all.
“Thanks go to everyone who signed up as a member, every volunteer who has helped, every committee member who has devoted their time and Arsenal for being with us on this incredible 10-year journey.
“We are proud of our legacy and Arsenal’s dedication to making LGBT+ people feel welcome at football.”
The group was founded by honorary president Stewart Selby on February 16, 2013, with help from senior staff members at Arsenal Football Club. Other LGBT football fan groups followed, leading to the formation of the Pride in Football campaign.
The royal dad-of-three is president of the Football Association and a huge fan of the game himself.
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