Woman who runs $200M company portfolio is ruthlessly mocked for sharing ‘insane’ work schedule


Leila Hormozi, a businesswoman with a multimillion-dollar company portfolio shared her routine online and bragged how it made her successful.

The 30-year-old blocks out time to eat with her husband as well as working out She has been mocked by thousands online who say her job could ‘disappear’.

Leila Hormozi, 30, bragged about her empire with her husband Alex on Twitter and posted her calendar on the social media website

She is ruthlessly mocked online for sharing her ‘insane’ work schedule – which includes time for mani-pedis, a daily walk, coffee breaks and two-hour gym workouts.

They pointed to time she blocked off to deal with emails, go on daily walks, time specifically scheduled for coffee breaks and daily gym sessions – some of which are two hours long – and dinner every night. Others questioned the value of her firm.

Commenters seized on her claim last month that the company she now says is worth $200million was then worth $100million – half what she now says.

Leila also blocks out time in her day to eat with her husband Alex, who started their now joint business, as well as for coffee and walks
Leila Hormozi co-CEO with her husband Alex posted a blurry screengrab of her packed weekly schedule – but closer inspection by her followers showed scheduled lunch breaks, coffee breaks, nightly dinners, hours-long gym sessions and daily walk breaks

The post has received more than three thousand replies and seven thousand retweets, as many poke fun at her ‘light’ schedule.

She has been mocked by thousands online who say her job could ‘disappear’ and that unemployed people work harder than she does

Leila posted her ‘non-woke’ schedule on Twitter to show there is no substitute for hard work, she has faced a backlash online over her tweet.

One person said to her: ‘I do 10000x more than this, and I’m unemployed’. Another chimed in: ‘This could have been an email’.

One said: ‘I get an hour for lunch every day and I’m off having dinner by 7′ is not the flex you think it is.’

Another added: ‘Looks like you work about 40 hours a week and get several breaks throughout the work day.’

A teacher commented: ‘This is so much less work than I do as a teacher I’m actually depressed now.’

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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