Netflix kicked off Monday morning by dropping the trailer for Volume II of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s docuseries, and they truly amped up the drama.
But there’s allegedly a pretty big discrepancy between the trailer posted on Twitter, and the one reportedly posted on Netflix’s website.
Fans noticed, as reported by The Sun and The Daily Mail, that in the trailer released on social channels, Harry says “they were happy to lie to protect my brother, they were never willing, to tell the truth, to protect us” as footage of him and Prince William is shown.
But apparently, another version on Netflix’s site (at least in the UK!) was captioned, “The British media were happy to lie to protect my brother.”
However, it sounds like everyone’s initial assumption that he was accusing the Palace of lying could be incorrect, and his real issue may be with the British press.
Either way, Harry and Meghan are hoping the royal family watches their show, and learn something from it. A source recently told The Mirror, “Harry and Meghan hope family members and courtiers will watch or, more importantly, listen to their comments. But they know nothing they speak about will be addressed in public.
They hope it may prompt a greater understanding from the King and the Cambridges of how Harry and Meghan feel about their experiences in England.”
Meanwhile, Prince William hasn’t watched the series, and on top of that, he’s told all his friends not to comment.
According to The Sunday Times, William has “instructed friends not to retaliate,” and a source said he “does not want us fueling the conflict” and is “keen to have as much of a normal week as possible.”