Home Science and Technology Tomb of midwife who delivered Jesus REVEALED

Tomb of midwife who delivered Jesus REVEALED

A 2,000-year-old burial cave has been found in a forest in Jerusalem, and it is regarded to be the tomb of the midwife who helped with the birth of Jesus.

It is believed to be tomb of Mary’s midwife following excavations that uncovered inscriptions citing ‘Salome, who was Mary’s midwife.’

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced – just days before the Christian world celebrates the birth of Christ – that the carvings in ancient Greek and Arabic are enough to prove ‘this is the cave of holy Salome.’

Teams have also discovered ruins of shops nearby, dating from between the eighth and ninth centuries, that sold oil lamps used in prayer.

Religious icons left by prior visitors are seen inside the cave

Hundreds of complete and broken lamps were found in the forecourt, ‘proving’ that the cave was a place of worship.

A man shines a light in a cave that, according to The Israel Antiquities Authority is the 2000-year-old burial cave of Jesus’ midwife, Salome

IAA archaeologist Zvi Firer said: ‘ We believe that pilgrims would come here, rent an oil lamp, perform their prayers inside, and go on their way.

Clay lamps that were discovered near the cave
The burial cave designated the Salome Cave that was recently uncovered in the Lachish Forest in Israel

Salome’s role as an assistant to the midwife at Christ’s birth is recounted in the Gospel of St James.

The Gospel of James, which is ancient non-canonical, is a second-century infancy gospel telling of the conception of Mary, her upbringing and marriage to Joseph and the journey of the couple to Bethlehem, along with details of Jesus as a young boy.

Inscriptions in the cave (pictured) read: ‘Salome, the midwife to Mary.’ The carvings are in both ancient Greek and Arabic

The name Salome (or in Hebrew: Shalom or Shlomit) was a common Jewish name in the Second Temple period, and was also known in the Hasmonean and Herodian families,’ said Firer in a statement.

‘According to a Christian tradition, Salome was the midwife from Bethlehem who was called to participate in the birth of Jesus.

‘She could not believe that she was asked to deliver a virgin’s baby, and her hand became dry and was healed only when she held the baby’s cradle.’

Formal excavations were conducted in 1984, which led experts to believe this was the tomb of the midwife. The newly found artifacts, according to experts, prove the cave is in fact, Salome’s tomb

Bible revealed Salome to be the second midwife to Mary.

‘And the midwife went forth of the cave and Salome met her. And she said to her: Salome, Salome, a new sight have I to tell thee,’ the scripture reads.

‘A virgin hath brought forth, which her nature alloweth not. And Salome said: As the Lord my God liveth, if I make not trial and prove her nature I will not believe that a virgin hath brought forth.’

Her name is shown several times after, with Mary telling Salome not to tell anyone about Jesus until ‘he enters Jerusalem.’

Grave robbers discovered the tomb in 1982 and stole the sarcophagus, but formal excavations were conducted two years later.

While the cave had been previously discovered, the elaborate cave forecourt has only been seen now, for the first time since in more than 2,000 years.

The court, extending more than 3,767 square feet, is surrounded by ashlar stone walls, which are individual stones fashioned into squares.



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