Putin signs sarcastic law banning protests from taking place in public areas in Russia

Putin signs Scarstic law banning protests from taking place in public areas in Russia

Russian President, Vladimir Putin has signed laws making it more difficult to stage protests in the country. Putin signs sarcastic law banning protests from taking place in public areas in Russia

The law bans any kind of rally from taking place at a range of locations including government buildings, universities, schools, anywhere near churches, airports and ports, railway stations and vital infrastructure, state news agency RIA said Monday.

Before now in Russia, rallies were forbidden from taking place near presidential residences, courts, prisons and emergency operational services.

Putin signs law banning protests from taking place in public areas in Russia

The new law also states that Regional authorities can additionally introduce further bans on demonstrations based on “historical, cultural, and other objective characteristics of the subject.” 

The law is among 50 other laws, Putin signed on Monday according to RIA.

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