Nalu stated on social media on Monday evening that she is now a single woman. The 24-year-old model from Brazil shared her dating status on Instagram.
The 24-year-old model from Brazil shared her dating status when an Instagram fan asked how she could romance a man who is anti-Semitic; in recent months West has expressed his disdain for Jews.
That is when Nalu wrote back on the platform, ‘I’m single. Thanks for caring.’
The Instagram exchange on Monday began when Nalu’s follower wrote to her in Portuguese.The person asked how she could date someone who is ‘fond of Nazism.’
She then said, ‘I’m single. Thanks for caring.’ This comes after Kanye said, ‘death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE’ on social media and subsequently told Alex Jones that he admired Adolf Hitler.
The model and the musician were first seen together in NYC in October.
She is only one of many women – which includes Julia Fox and Chaney Jones – whom West has dating after splitting from wife Kardashian.