Hunter Biden Plots DEFAMATION Suits Against Fox News, Eric Trump And Rudy Giuliani

Hunter Biden Plots DEFAMATION Suits Against Fox News, Eric Trump And Rudy Giuliani

A team is ready to defend Hunter Biden from an expected onslaught by House Republicans.

Allies of the president’s son gathered for a private strategy session last September in California where they discussed going after Hunter’s accusers and critics with defamation lawsuits, according to the Washington Post.

Hunter’s attorney and friend Kevin Morris suggested at the meeting the suits be filed against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani, along with a probe into the repairman who handed over his laptop.

Morris told the group he was crucial for Hunter’s camp to be more aggressive and also ‘outlined extensive research on two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden – spurned business partner Tony Bobulinsky and computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac, who turned over his laptop to the FBI.

It comes amid ongoing investigations into Hunter’s finances, and allegations of illegal business dealings in China and Ukraine. Twitter continues to answer questions about why it suppressed his story about the laptop leak.   

As they prepare to defend Hunter Biden from an expected slew of investigations by the House Republicans, a team met in September to create a plan.

2a Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s lawyer
Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s lawyer

Hunter Biden was not present at the meeting but was called in via video.

David Brock, a well-known liberal activist, and Clinton family defender attended the meeting. He was planning for a new group called Facts First USA that would focus on fighting the looming House GOP investigations. The Post reported. 

Brock stated, “They feel that there’s a whole counter-narrative missing from the Hunter-hater story out there,”  

“What we really got into, was more the meat and the meat about what a response would look. 

The Washington Post reported that two approaches were presented at the strategy session. 

The first is to be more aggressive. This includes going after Hunter Biden’s critics, Eric and Rudy.

The plan also includes a ‘team’ of researchers working with Joshua A Levy and Chris Clark, who will be interfering with House probes.

The alternative approach is to make Hunter Biden calm down. This is the White House’s preferred strategy, as it tries hard to convince him that he’s a private citizen.

The Post reported that Hunter’s public appearance will increase the GOP’s justification for pursuing him. 

The Washington Post article states that “some involved in these efforts argue Hunter Biden should stay out of public view so Democrats can focus their attention on painting Republican investigations as a political exercise.” 

One Democrat involved in the broader effort said ‘No one thinks that this strategy of putting Hunter Biden first and center is smart.’ … ‘No one, including the White House.’

John Paul Mac Isaac, the ex-computer shop owner who alerted feds of incriminating content on Hunter’s laptop in 2020, said earlier this month he’s ‘not surprised that the New York Times and other ‘liberal’ media has yet to cover recent revelations aired by Elon Musk in his so-called ‘Twitter files.’

Two days after Musk shared a collection of emails from journalist Matt Taibbi, I spoke to about whether Twitter execs tried to suppress reporting on the story during the run-up to the 2020 election. All at the request of the Biden campaign.

The new CEO of Twitter accused his predecessors and published internal emails supporting the claims.

2bRudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani

At the time, The Times refused to report on the scandal, calling the claims ‘unsubstantiated’ – a stance it has since maintained even after’s Musk’s massive evidence dump.

Now, Mac Isaac, who is the owner of Delaware Mac Shop were an “inebriated” Hunter brought the laptop, says the paper’s decision that it would not file a story is likely due to its master’s bid’ – the master being the Biden administration.

Mac Isaac, 45, spoke to Sunday to say that he feels vindicated following Musk’s revelation. He was forced to close his 10-year-old store in response to the claims made by Musk in 2020.

Mac Isaac sued Twitter for defamation at the time. After execs called his claims incorrect, he was forced to pay $175,000 to cover legal fees.

The former store owner felt vindicated and has since written a successful book about the incident. “My only wish is that Elon would have bought Twitter during my lawsuit.” 

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Mr Priceless
A young person with a passion for success and excellence to develop a professional career that encourages empowerment in the overall development of a person which is achieved through hard work. A Journalist with facts and a difference; standing by the truth all the time with interests in Science & Technology, Health, Celebrities' Lifestyle, Crimes, Education and Career Improvement.


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