Brave four-year-old girl makes 999 call to save her mother who had collapsed at home


A four-year-old girl has been praised for her bravery in calling 999 after her mother suddenly collapsed.

Her mother, Rachael Lang suffered an episode and collapsed on the floor in the downstairs hallway of their home in Hamble, Hampshire.

In the recording released this week, the ‘impressive’ youngster can be heard asking a police call handler ‘can you help my mummy?’. The mum has a Functional Neurological Disorder, which causes stroke-like symptoms and seizures, and was experiencing an episo

Rachael was reported to have suffered from a Neurological Disorder causing stroke-like seizures.

Mya then used her mum’s phone to call 999 and spoke to police controller Paul Dawes, who was able to keep Mya calm until officers arrived to help.

The incident happened at around 8pm on an evening in October.

In the recording released this week, the ‘impressive’ youngster can be heard asking a police call handler ‘can you help my mummy?’

Mya had been taught about 999 in October at school the week before and calmly put her newly-learned skills into action as her father Chris Bentley, 27, was away for the week working.

The schoolgirl has always dreamt of becoming a police officer

The schoolgirl is said to have always dreamt of becoming a police officer, and was awarded a certificate for bravery at a police station on Wednesday, December, 21.

‘I’m eating a bit of my lunch’, Mya told the operator, before telling him that her mother was ‘on the floor’.

Mya explained that her father was at work and tells the operator her mum is sleeping’.’Can you help my mummy?’, Mya can be heard asking, before telling him ‘help my mummy’.

Mya told them their home address, then stayed on the phone until police officers arrived and then let them in.

Mya was awarded a certificate for bravery at a police station on Wednesday, December, 21

Now-alive Lang said: ‘I suffer from an ongoing neurological condition, which I have had for about two years.

‘I don’t have much memory of what happened unfortunately, apart from what police and paramedics told me and a little from what Mya has told me.

‘Mya was trying to wake me up but couldn’t. Weirdly enough, Mya’s school had just taught them about 999 a week before. It was perfect timing because she knew exactly what to do.

‘I obviously couldn’t remember what she said but when I came round the police and paramedics said Mya had called them. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t know she knew how to do that.’

I said, ‘my four-year-old called you on my phone?’ and they said ‘yeah she did really well’, she was able to say our names and where we lived.

‘I’m really, really proud of her. I’m amazed that she was able to do that and that she knew what to say and stayed so calm and didn’t panic,’ she concluded.

It was reported that Lang partner Mr Bentley, have already told Mya about her mother’s condition.

Mya and Miss Lang visited Hampshire Constabulary’s control room today in nearby Netley and was awarded a certificate for her bravery.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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