Which Actors/Actresses Filmed A Controversial Love Scene

Which Actors/Actresses Filmed A Controversial Love Scene

Having to film a love scene can give even the most courageous and reputable actors some stage fright. But imagine if you had to do it for real? I mean, full-on penetrative intercourse.

You’d think it would be taboo, but plenty of movies have incorporated real sex between actors in order to establish a sort of genuine authenticity to the film.

While some may think that esteemed actors engaging in that kind of behavior for a movie is gratuitous and inappropriate, many actors have agreed to the conditions.

Which Actors/Actresses Filmed A Controversial Love Scene

Lars von Trier’s controversial two-part Nymphomaniac featured no small amount of unstimulated scenes. When actor Shia LaBeouf signed on as a love interest opposite Stacy Martin, rumors spread about their performance in the film. Lars von Trier had already mentioned his film would feature the real deal. LaBeouf initially said he agreed to participate in the scenes.

However, when the film finally premiered, it was revealed the actual deed was performed between two of the film’s actors. LaBeouf and Martin’s bodies were superimposed with CGI for those scenes.

Which Actors/Actresses Filmed A Controversial Love Scene

Gaspar Noé’s 2015 film Love featured real love between actors Karl Glusman and Aomi Muyock. But Noé took his romance film to the next level by producing it in 3D! Love is first and foremost about intercourse in 3D and only secondly about the dramatic love story between the two protagonists.

Most of it was not choreographed and Noé admitted he hoped his film would make men and women both feel, well, “excited.”

Which Actors/Actresses Filmed A Controversial Love Scene

The Brown Bunny is the independent Cannes film that made Chloë Sevigny a household name. It’s also the film where she notoriously gave costar and director Vincent Gallo very real and very graphic oral treatment. Many were suspicious about the authenticity of the scene between the two stars, but Sevigny herself has admitted it is indeed real.

The movie polarized audiences at Cannes, but it has lived in infamy for the scene that blew Sevigny onto the Hollywood landscape as a fashion icon and successful actress.

Which Actors/Actresses Filmed A Controversial Love Scene

Pink Flamingos starred a drag queen named Divine, who has been labeled “the filthiest person alive.” This movie is mostly known for its crude scenes and even cruder love scenes. In likely the film’s most famous moment, Divine services a man who is playing her son in the film.

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Mr Priceless
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