The report titled, “Two Weeks of Chaos: Inside Elon Musk’s Takeover of Twitter” describes the details of the mass lay-offs, Mr Musk’s decision of transforming the company and the new product deadlines laid down by the “Chief Twit”.
It also specifies that at least 36 Twitter employees were interviewed for the report.
One of the many developments that follow the takeover made a Twitter manager puked in a trash can after the company’s new boss Elon Musk told him to terminate hundreds of staff members as part of the company’s decision to cut its workforce in half.
On November 2, employees stumbled upon an open channel in the internal Slack messaging system where human resources and legal teams were discussing the layoffs. In a message accessed by NYT, an employee said 3,738 workers could be laid off, or about half the workforce.
The message was widely shared internally. The employees started exchanging personal information to stay in touch and started bidding their goodbyes right away.
Mr Musk also hinted at the social media platform going bankrupt, after the company witnessed several top executives leave the company.
The billionaire told Twitter employees on a call that he could not rule out bankruptcy, Bloomberg News reported, two weeks after buying it for $44 billion – a deal that credit experts say has left Twitter’s finances in a precarious position.
In a positive twist, dozens of laid-off workers were asked to come back because some were cut by mistake and others were terminated before management realized their work and experience are potentially valuable to help build new features Musk wants for the site, according to a Bloomberg report, which cited two people familiar with the move.