Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Are Good For Doing Nothing


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been branded “two spoiled brats” by an Australian commentator.

Sky News Australia host Paul Murray commented on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being among the recipients of the Ripple of Hope Award, assigned by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organisation.

The human rights non-profit’s president, Kerry Kennedy, said the Sussexes were picked for this year’s prestigious gong because of their “heroic” decision to speak up against the “structural racism” within the Royal Family, despite knowing this move would see them being “ostracized”.

Mr. Murray, however, didn’t share Ms. Kennedy’s view on the Sussexes and claimed the Duke and Duchess were receiving an award “for doing absolutely nothing” and “have not changed a single thing about the Royal Family”.

He added: “These two spoiled brats get another thing for their mantelpiece to say how good they are for doing nothing and making millions doing it.” T

he Ripple of Hope Award gala will take place in New York City on December 6. While Meghan and Harry haven’t officially announced their attendance, they are expected to receive their gong in person.

Meanwhile, the former bodyguard of Princess Diana has said that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s decision to move stateside in 2020 would have been a point of issue with Harry’s late mother, who would have urged the couple to reconsider.

Harry’s book claims that it will take “readers immediately back to one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow – and horror”.

The description continues: “With its raw, unflinching honesty, Spare is a landmark publication full of insight revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.”

The release of the book and Harry’s previous comments about his experiences of growing up in the royal household, notably on Oprah Winfrey, the decision by the Sussex’s to step back and move to the United States was not surprising.


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Mr Priceless
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