Man gets skipping rope stuck in his bladder after inserting in through his penis

Man gets skipping rope stuck in his bladder after inserting in through his penis

A man who inserted a 90 inch long jump rope into his penis has had the rope stuck in his bladder. The man, a 79 years old Japanese man inserted the jump rope into his penis before it got tangled up inside his bladder.

Medical images showed the jump rope without the handles tangled and stuck inside the man’s bladder. While the reason for this act is not known, the rope has been removed surgically without any complications.

After shoving the rope into his body through his penis, the man was forced to get medical help. He complained of a condition called dysuria, which is a condition that causes difficulty in urination.

After medical diagnosis and tests, the outline of a large object was found in his bladder. It was at this point that he confessed to what he did and was then transferred to another hospital.

X-ray was conducted, and it showed a wire-like coiled body in his bladder. Since it was impossible to remove it the same it got in, surgery had to be performed on the patient to get it out. Thankfully, there were no complications and he made a full recovery without long-term injury.

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Ivory Okuwa
Ivory Okuwa is an Entertainment and Lifestyle blogger with a particular interest in the workings of, and news surrounding the British royal family; and celebrity news.


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