Apocalypse: Mystery as flock of sheep have been walking around in magnificent circles for 12 days straight in China (Video)

Apocalypse: Mystery as flock of sheep have been walking around in magnificent circles for 12 days straight in China (Video)

In China’s inner Mongolia region, a flock of sheep have gone viral for walking non-stop in a circle for nearly two weeks.

Christopher Hogg, of village Rottingdean in East Sussex, was cycling when he saw the animals behaving like they were ”in the X-files”.

The 47-year-old said:

“I was on my daily cycle when I came over the hill and saw this magnificent circle.”

“The sheep are usually noisy. I go past them every day, but this day they were very still and calm,” he said.Hogg said it seemed like the animals were in a trance, calling it ”eerie”.

Surveillance footage reveals the flock, which live in pen number 13, have been walking in a clockwise motion for almost two weeks.

The owner claims the odd behaviour began with a few of the farm animals before the entire flock joined in.

There are 34 sheep pens at Ms. Miao’s farm, but only the sheep in pen number 13 have been acting this way.

– Flock of sheep moving in circle for 12 days and counting.

Some Twitter users have suggested the sheep may be afflicted with listeriosis, a disease which can affect both humans and animals. Some believe this is normal sheep behaviour, but others think something more sinister is behind the odd movements.

Symptoms of the disease include lack of coordination, salivation, circling and more.

However, the Chinese state-run news outlet People’s Daily reported the sheep are perfectly healthy.

Video of the sheep circle has gone viral, with the creepy footage being seen by some as the “sign of the apocalypse”.

The reason behind the sheep’s odd behaviour in both Mongolia and East Sussex has remained unknown.


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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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