What better natural karma could Putin ever get than the Alzheimer’s found in his body system for his evils in Ukraine? Only few people would argue.
9 months and counting, Putin is causing unrest in Ukraine. The world knows that Vladimir Putin has power, money and mistresses. So why, ask some, wasn’t that enough for him? Why did he have to go start another war in the name of military expansion?
Perhaps his greed, corruption and continual thirst for blood and power stirred him to engage Ukraine. Russia invading Ukraine is an appalling act of unwarranted aggression against an innocent population.

Beyond Russia and Ukraine, other countries will suffer (are suffering) from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – UK, Syria, Iran, US, China, India, the list goes on.
Waging war against Ukraine means Putin has disrupted the peace of the world and cause more havoc to struggling systems.
What Russia and Putin have done may heighten tensions in various conflict zones, trigger new confrontations, and put the entire planet on a trajectory towards further violence.
For all that worths it, only his closest allies would be worried about the Alzheimer’s syndromes found in him. Others and the rest of the world just wouldn’t care.
Vladimir Putin (a terrifying man) who takes delight in having people killed, destroying the fabrics of societies deserves a terrifying disease like Alzheimer – many people in the world won’t agree less to this.