Aaron Carter’s fans harass his fiancee Melanie and show up at her house as they blame her for his death

Aaron Carter's fans harass his fiancee Melanie and show up at her house as they blame her for his death

Following Aaron Carter’s death, some of his fans are harassing his fiancée, Melanie Martin, and blaming her for his death.

Melanie has been suffering so much abuse online and offline, with Aaron Carter’s fans leaving her so many hateful messages, TMZ reports.

The constant harassment includes fans wishing death on Melanie, while others accuse her of being responsible for Aaron’s death.

Also, some people have been showing up at Aaron’s Lancaster, California home where he was found dead in a bathtub.

According to the publication, the fans come onto the property and go right up to the windows of the house or vehicles to peer inside, and it’s scaring Melanie.

Earlier this week, there was a police presence outside Aaron’s home while Melanie was moving some of her things out of the house.

Melanie called police to the house to keep the peace. Due to all the harassment directed at her, she wanted to ensure there’d be no issues while she was at Aaron’s house.

Below are some abusive messages she has received online.

Aaron Carter

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