What is the most disgusting movie in the world?

What is the most disgusting movie in the world?

There are good movies, there are bad ones, and there are movies that are just plain horrible. At some point, we may have watched one or more movies that were disturbing and disgusting, but how would you react to finding out that the movies you thought were disturbing are no where near the list of the most disgusting movies ever made.

When we talk about movies that are seen as the most disgusting movies ever, we are talking about movies that have been banned from several countries, and you are only watching at your own risk. Some of these movies can leave you scarred or permanently traumautized afterwards.

While it may be difficult or impossible to name one movie as the most disgusting, we can definitely settle for a list of the most horrible and disgusting ever made. These movies are so terrible they have been heavily criticized by everyone for their graphics. In short, they make you sick and you only realize afterwards that it is something you should not see.

Some of the movies that are seen as the world’s most disgusting movies were so bad that the creators decided not to be starred or credited for it. Some movies like The human centipede and its sequels, The fly, Nekromantik, and even Cannibal holocaust were banned in several countries for extreme graphic violence, gore and disturbing scenes.

The movie Cannibal Holocaust was so bad that some of the crew members were arrested and investigations were carried out on the movie because the killing scenes looked very real. The cast members had to show up in court to show that they were still alive. The killing scenes involving the animals were real however as animals were really killed on set and on camera.

All the gore and violence depicted in some of the worst movies are nothing compared to the movie A Serbian Film. This movie tops almost every list of worst and most disturbing movies, and rightly so because it depicts every imaginable horror. From child abuse, to necromancy, body mutilation etc. This movie has been banned in almost every country for its horror and violence. A word of advice, do not ever watch this movie.

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Ivory Okuwa
Ivory Okuwa is an Entertainment and Lifestyle blogger with a particular interest in the workings of, and news surrounding the British royal family; and celebrity news.


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