Vladimir Putin gets a tractor and two pyramids of melon for his 70th birthday (photos)

Vladimir Putin gets a tractor and two pyramids of melon for his 70th birthday (photos)

Russia’s president has been given a tractor as birthday gift. Putin who turned 70 today, was born on the  7th of October 1952.

Putin was reportedly given a certificate to say he had been presented with a tractor from his ally, Belarus president,  Alexander Lukashenko.

Vladimir Putin gets a tractor and two pyramids of melon for his 70th birthday (photos)

 Lukashenko, who has been in power even longer than the Russian leader (since 1994) and whose administration is also under Western sanctions, came to St Petersburg with a gift certificate for the Belarusian-made vehicle on Friday, October 7.

It is not clear how Mr Putin responded to gift. Putin also received pyramids of melons and watermelons from Tajikistan’s President, Emomali Rahmon.

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