Before Russia invaded Ukraine, we are schooled that Russia ranks among the third best military nation – the other two are U.S and China. Russian military were ranked high with prestige. Comparing the military strength of Russia to Ukraine, many have thought Russia would have just breeze through with little resistance, but it’s unfortunate that they are met with Ukraine’s guerilla soldiers who have proven to be a great resistance so far.
War is the ultimate reality test. If an army is performing poorly, it’s not a trick or an illusion, it is what it appears to be. Ukraine force is smaller, less well equipped compaired to Russian military, but Russia forces are shocked by a ferocious Ukrainian defense, took high casualties and their invasion bogged down.

Putin has invested a lot greater than the result Russia force is bringing to him. Before now, most countries study Russia’s tactics and operational art. This still will not change anytime soon. Even though it’s true that its reported performance is certainly far less effective that would have been assumed before the attack on Ukraine.
While Russia force has been weaker and much more inept in the ongoing war, we should keep in mind as well that they are not using their best equipment and fewer of their best troops.

Still, with 200,000 in country plus air and missile forces in combat and assuming the usual 3:1 tooth-to-tail ratio to allow for command, logistics, etc., they are probably using 3/4 of their active strength, leaving fewer than 100,000 combat troops to defend the remainder of the country.
NATO could help Ukraine merely by lining up 250000 troops along the Baltic and Polish borders next to Russia and Belarus and let paranoia play it from there. Many still believe that Russia are not in their full throttle yet against Ukraine, but in fairness to Ukraine, they have done and gone beyond expectations.