Things went left for Drake after he shared a photo of a random white woman in his Instagram stories on Thursday (Jul.21). In the caption for the post, he dropped a typical Drizzy bar, “Tried to airdrop this woman a pic of herself cause she’s a dime.”
Drake might have thought posting the woman seated with an unknown male to his 117 million followers was harmless, but the internet thought it was problematic.
Reddit users have been tearing the “Sticky” crafter a new one. “I haven’t seen anyone talking about this. This is so unbelievably creepy (Drake posted this on his IG story),” a post in a Reddit forum read.
Other users expressed their outrage at Drake’s actions and accurately pointed out how awful this would be if anyone else did this to a stranger. What makes this moment worse is that Drake did this, knowing how huge his platform is.
“Yes she’s beautiful but he could have kept that to himself or been a normal person and struck up a conversation instead of posting this to his Instagram where he has MILLIONS of followers who are now gonna chime in on their opinion of her,” another person wrote. “If that were me I would not be ok with that, regardless of the fact that it’s a ‘compliment.’”
This latest incident reminded people of other Drake’s other creepy moments. A 24-year-old Drizzy brought a fan on stage and kissed her on the back of the neck, touching her breasts.
After he learned she was only 17, he said, “I can’t go to jail yet, man! Why do you look like that? You thick, look at all this.”
“I don’t know if I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun. I like the way your breasts feel against my chest,” he creepily added.