If Russia nukes one American city, will the USA also nuke one Russian city or will they nuke multiple Russian cities


If Russia were to launch a nuclear weapon (or other weapon of mass destruction) against the United States or its allies, the U.S. would classify Russia as an existential threat. At that point, the only goal of the United States would be to remove the capability of Russia to inflict further destruction.

In practice, that would almost certainly amount to a massive nuclear attack against all identified or putative Russian strategic sites. The aim would not be to kill millions — although millions might die. The goal would be to remove Russia’s capability to launch further attacks.

Now some might argue that Russia would answer any such attack with a devastating counter-attack.

Though this is possible, but it is important to understand — once Russia launches against the U.S, U.S will have no option but to conclude that Russia will do so again. If Russia fires one nuke, the USA will want to try and make sure that Russia can’t fire a second one.

Every NATO nuclear power would hit Russia with dozens of missiles, that’s why they are buying the Israeli Arrow system, the only multi-layered Missile defense system (Arrow, David’s sling, Iron Dome), to ensure any Russian launch capabilities that managed to survive would be effectively intercepted.

In Israel, its successor “Light Shield” – is already undergoing operational testing. In a pinch, Israel and the US could possibly mount a few laser canons on satellites, enabling them to pulverize Russian C4 systems, effectively neutralizing any launching capabilities.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


  1. In the first half of this post, you plagiarized my Quota post in this answer. That’s not the action of a “certified writer.” It’s the action of a certified thief.

    Here is my Quota post —

    This is actually straight-forward and is well-established doctrine.

    If Russia were to launch a nuclear weapon (or other weapon of mass destruction) against the United States or its allies, the U.S. would classify Russia as an existential threat. At that point, the only goal of the United States would be to remove the capability of Russia to inflict further destruction. In practice, that would almost certainly amount to a massive nuclear attack against all identified or putative Russian strategic sites. The aim would not be to kill millions — although millions might die. The goal would be to remove Russia’s capability to launch further attacks.

    Now some might argue that Russia would answer any such attack with a devastating counter-attack. And that is possible. But it is important to understand — once Russia launches against the U.S, we have no option but to conclude they will do so again. They have unleashed the genie; there is no reason to believe they will not do so again and again. That means that further attacks are expected, whether we respond or not. Our only chance to avoid such attacks is if a massive attack of our own renders Russian incapable of responding.

    After a Russian attack, deterrence has failed, by definition. Our only chance is to overwhelm them. It is unclear whether we can. But it is clear what will happen if we don’t — destruction and defeat. So, Russia WILL be destroyed. Yes, the U.S. and our allies MAY be destroyed. But Russia WILL be destroyed. That is the best we can hope for if Russia embraces the insanity of launching nuclear weapons.



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