If Russia announced it was nuking Europe and America tomorrow at noon, would you be scared.


Putin hardly bluffs – his words carry weights and would often support it with actions.

At that, there are currently three nuclear powers in NATO, France, the USA and the UK. If Russia announced anything like this all the three countries would immediately adopt a First Strike policy to gain the advantage over Russia and within minutes thousands of ICBM’s would be flying through the air to various targets.

Both NATO and Russian air missiles will fly because presumably Russian nuclear forces would immediately launch their own.

And after three minutes, a British Trident II missile armed with a 100 kiloton nuclear weapon detonates over St Petersburg, the Winter Palace is incinerated along with the surrounding area. 240,000 ordinary Russians are killed instantly and 700,000 more are injured with wounds ranging from lethal to severe. The death toll will then clime in the coming days as society collapses in St Petersburg.

Russia responds in kind as around forty-five seconds later; a 150 kiloton nuclear warhead detonates over central London, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and most of central London is no more. 334,000 Londoners lay dead and a million more are injured. Similar after effects occur in London as in St Petersburg.

Similar events are taking place all over Europe and North America and Russia and potentially East Asia as over powers join in. In the coming months and years as the entire northern hemisphere becomes an irradiated wasteland, where the survivors descend into an anarchic lifestyle of survival of the fittest the ash and dust of the explosions spread across the globe blocking out sunlight causing a global winter and subsequent famine.

The death toll is in the hundreds of millions and civilisation as we know it ends. Humanity will survive and struggle onwards and earth will eventually recover. So there is reason to fear.

Anyways, the truth is that no country is going to announce in advance that it is going to do a nuclear strike at some specific future time or date. They would be taken out long before that time.

If Russia were to announce that they would nuke the US at noon, you could be sure that by 11:59 AM Russia would not longer exist as a nation. The US would take it out well before noon.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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