“A man in a show we were watching cheated on his wife’ – Husband shares hilarious reasons he apologized to his wife (video)


A husband has shared the ‘hilarious’ long list of reasons he has had to apologise to his wife.

Leighton, a social media video creator from Maine, US took to his Instagram page on Monday, October 17, detailing funny reasons his wife asked him for an apology.

‘I went upstairs for the night without announcing it,’ he started. ‘I’m currently working on a solo performance – like the scene in The Sound of Music where they do a big number on their way to bed.’

"A man in a show we were watching cheated on his wife' - Husband shares hilarious reasons he apologized to his wife (video)

‘Next, I applied the brakes in order to save our lives, but I underestimated the trauma the change in momentum would create for her,’ he said, referring to breaking to hard in the car.

‘A guy in a show we were watching cheated on his wife – and this lead to a detailed explanation of what would happen to me in that situation.’

"A man in a show we were watching cheated on his wife' - Husband shares hilarious reasons he apologized to his wife (video)

He added, ‘I also used the kitchen the same day it was being cleaned once – but never again.’

‘I had to apologise because I sprained my ankle and had a moon boot,’ Leighton explained. 

‘But I was walking too loudly up the stairs – clearly, the thing to do would be to lay down on my good leg and silently drag my body up the stairs using the railing.’

He added, ‘I was standing in the kitchen when she wanted to open a drawer in front of me. Obviously, I should’ve dove out of the way as soon as I sensed her lightest movement.’

‘I also made a mistake last night when I was cutting my steak,’ he said. ‘I let my knife touch the plate for a fraction of a second and had to apologise profusely.’

Also on the list, Leighton mentioned breathing his ‘hot breath’ in her face, denting the couch cushions by sitting in the same place, and adding to the ‘clutter’ in the house by placing his glass down for 30 seconds between sips.

Fans on his page laughed after watching the video highlighting that his wife is ‘always right’

‘I absolutely agree with 100% of the things that upset your wife,’ wrote one woman. ‘She deserved all those apologies!’

‘This is so funny, I wish my husband apologised every time he upset me.’

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