2. Cancerians do not always show the person they love to the world, they don’t like bringing their partners to online space for whatever reasons. The earlier you know this as a romantic partner to Cancer, the better you understand them, As a romantic partner to Cancer, never think they love you less when they don’t share your loved up photos on social media. This does not mean that they are cheating on you, it means they love and cherish you too much and would not bring your life and theirs to online spaces.
3. Cancer does not like crowd in your relationship. As far as Cancerians are concerned, two is a crowd. They like it when whatever that happens in your relationship stays between you; they don’t like it when you air your discussions on air. There are some things they expect you not to tell your friends regardless of how close you could be to them. They want a private and not public relationship with you. Never report them to their friends or whoever, it brings shame to them.
4. As a romantic partner to Cancer, you should know that words will fail your partner (who is a Cancer), they are not really good with words while expressing their emotions. They are not always able to articulate their thoughts and emotions with words as they would have like. You would have to be observant and sensitive when they speak, they really like to speak less, not that they don’t talk, but they will really be grateful to you if you can interpret their words and decrypt what they really mean (what they are trying to say).
5. Cancer lovers are peaceful and gentle. You rarely see them nagging. They might not ask you what they need. And when they do, they find it difficult to ask you twice or more. So as a worthy partner to Cancerians, you should pay attention to what their needs could be. How they wish that you do to/for them what they want/need before they ask you! They would never find reason to change you for another person just for this particular act.